Founded in 1.989, FRICAVENT 2000, S.L. specialises in the manufacture of crushed ice machines, achieving very reliable and competitive products and obtaining, in a short period of time, the consideration of first brand in the sector.

Our main objective is to provide a good service and achieve customer satisfaction. Therefore, we study your needs and always offer the best solution for each type of business.

We invite you to visit our website and to contact us by phone, by mail or through the following link.  Contact


We have a wide range of ice machines designed to provide a good service at very competitive prices and valid for multiple solutions.

deposito hielo
Logo Cámara Certifica ISO 9001


Quality and service are our priority objectives, all our products have the CE approval and have been implemented with the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015 quality standard, certified by the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid.


In compliance with current legislation, FRICAVENT 2000, S.L. has implemented a waste management system through authorised waste managers, and is also covered by European Recycling Platform, a Collective System of Extended Responsibility (SCRAP) for the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment.

FRICAVENT 2000, S.L. adopts the necessary measures to prevent pollution and when this is not possible, reduces polluting emissions to a minimum. Within our range of products we have manufacturers with CO2 refrigerant gas, which has a lower environmental impact. On the other hand, we are constantly working to reduce waste, recycling and reusing it whenever possible.


Fricavent 2000, S.L. carries out, directly, the maintenance of ice machines thanks to an expert team of professionals, offering a fast and competitive assistance service and providing personalised maintenance and prevention solutions as well as the supply of spare parts.


Our ice machines offer excellent performance in:

Fishmongers, Supermarkets, Food Chains, Bakeries, Meat Industries, Restaurants and Canning Factories. They could also be used in Fruit Shops, Saunas, Laboratories, Hospitals, etc.


As a result of a very selective policy in terms of staff recruitment and continuous training, we have a highly qualified staff with extensive experience in the sector.

We also have facilities with all the necessary means for the manufacture, repair and maintenance of our ice machines, which ensures that we obtain very reliable products, as well as the quality of all the work carried out. When you contact us, through our headquarters and in coordination with our delegates, a wide network will be at your service, covering the entire national territory.


C/Henares 5, Nave 48
28840 Mejorada del Campo. Madrid (Spain)
Tel.: +34 916 68 09 59